Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Frustrating delays

As anyone who knows me can attest, I am not the worlds most patient person, so it is very frustrating to have my tests delayed by the need to have a nameless, faceless, department at my health care insurer approve the procedures.

It is not that the delay is going to change my prognosis or treatment, but it does amplify the anxiety of not knowing.

To my mind, the presence of the mass in my chest should preclude the need for any further authorizations; denying tests at this point would be a fiscal decision and have nothing to do with my well being.

Patience, that's what I need, has anyone got a surplus that I might borrow?

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Great to hear from you but I guess circumstances could be better. All I can think is the old infantry mantra of find, fix and destroy, and the hard bit was always finding the enemy (especially with our combined map reading ability) so at least the bugger is found. No bring on the heavy weapons. Love to all. K